



Mommy care is pregnancy care consists of prenatal (before birth) and postnatal (after birth) healthcare for expectant mothers. 

Our Pre Natal signature is a soft gentle massage treatment of choice using Manual Lymphatic Drainage massage technique for puffy eyes, puffy ankles, water retention issues, tired, swollen legs during pregnancy. And yes it is safe for mommy and baby.


Our postnatal massage can Help to ease sore spots and relax muscle tension. The whole process of childbirth has been a strain on your body, particularly your abdomen, lower back and hips. Your upper back might also be sore if you are not breastfeeding in a comfortable position. With the combination of Jamu (traditional Javanese herbal) and Bengkung (Binding) will promote the shrinking of the uterus that is supposed to happened after the birth. It will also helps to support your back and your abdominal muscles which are weaker after carrying the baby and giving birth.


Baby massage will soothe your baby, Aid digestion and help relieve colic, gas and constipation. Increase daily weight gain.

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